====== Nomad Oasis ====== In-house RDM hands-on for the [[https://git.iek.fz-juelich.de/o.ronsin/phasefield_foropv/|PFSimProst group]], with the material sciences-tailormade solution [[https://nomad-lab.eu/nomad-lab/nomad-oasis.html|Nomad Oasis]] from [[https://www.fairmat-nfdi.eu/fairmat|FairMat]]. ===== Hardware & Setup ===== started 2023-12-07 ^ Purpose ^ Set up test instance for Nomad Oasis | Test & document the installation process, interaction, creation of ontologies, upload of datasets at all levels of interactivity). | ^ Target hardware | ''fire'' (transitional web server) | Disk space there won't suffice for a long-term catalogue, but this isn't its purpose anyway. | ^ Target software | [[https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/docs/oasis/install.html|Nomad Oasis]] (Docker backend) | ^ Long-term fate | Playground | We won't //move// data here. We use it to practice technicalities (MATLAB upload glue code, stack updates, ACLs, …). Once the actual Oasis will be up, this instance will be removed or reset at any time. | ++++ 2023-12-07 Installation logbook | * Create [[https://git.iek.fz-juelich.de/compflu/cluster/pfsim-database|Git repo]], initialise abstract structure, create [[https://git.iek.fz-juelich.de/compflu/cluster/pfsim-database/-/tree/nomad-oasis-test|branch for this test installation]]. * Download ''docker-compose.yaml'', save to ''fire:/phlogiston/config/docker/nomad-oasis-test/''. Keep changes in sync to the Git repo. * [[https://git.iek.fz-juelich.de/compflu/cluster/pfsim-database/-/commit/1deb43ea7fe25c39f32b98ea0c8502c477451d85|Changes to the Compose file]] to get it running for the first time. * Compiler stack of Docker images and run: ''docker-compose up -d'' ++++ ===== Link list (mostly developer side) ===== NB Nomad is a moving target, expect links to outdate every now and then * Our NOMAD Oasis * [[https://fire.iek.kfa-juelich.de/nomad-oasis/gui/|Web interface]] * [[https://git.iek.fz-juelich.de/compflu/cluster/pfsim-schema/|Repo: Schema]] ([[https://git.hi-ern.de/o.ronsin/phase-diagramm/-/blob/master/ParamFiles/TemplateFiles/0-TestCases/TC3M2_LLL_2.m|Current Matlab start file for phase diagrams]]) * Example repos * Schema (Ontology) * [[https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-schema-plugin-example|Minimal]] * [[https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/docs/howto/customization/parsers.html|Parsers]] * [[https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-parser-plugin-example|Repo: Minimal]] * [[https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-parser-example|Repo: Full (still simple)]] * [[https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/docs/reference/parsers.html|List of all public parsers]] * [[https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/docs/explanation/processing.html#processing-scenarios|Cartoon of parser internals]] * [[https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/gui/metainfo/|NOMAD MetaInfo]] Insights into the ''nomad.datamodel'' object hierarchy (toolbox of the parts that one can build the ontology of) * [[https://matsci.org/c/nomad/32|Discourse/Support forum]] *